If a police officer begins questioning you, you may feel as if you have no choice but to answer. They clearly expect you to respond, and they’re in a position of authority. They may pressure you by telling you that you’re making things worse for yourself if you don’t...
Criminal Law
When can police officers search a private residence?
Searches are typically how police officers and other investigators obtain evidence of criminal activity. Many times, the most compelling evidence comes from the residence of the person accused. Items ranging from drugs to journals can help the state build a compelling...
3 signs a prosecutor’s case against a defendant may be vulnerable
Facing criminal charges is stressful. You may be unsure about your future and afraid of a lengthy incarceration. Sometimes, a defendant is indeed in a weaker position when facing criminal charges. Other times, it is the prosecutor who is most vulnerable. Recognizing...
What are your rights during a traffic stop?
A traffic stop can lead to drunk driving charges. In Indiana, the first-time conviction for operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) may include one year in jail, several thousand dollars in fines, driving license suspension and community service. Additional...
Does coffee sober you up?
If you have been drinking and you are deciding whether or not you should drive, you may be interested in ways to sober up quickly. Maybe you feel like you are slightly too impaired to get behind the wheel, but you do not want to wait for hours so that your blood...
Learn about the 5 drug schedules and how they affect you
Substances can have various uses and effects. To regulate the use, distribution and manufacture of drugs, the Control Substances Act (CSA) was established. The CSA establishes how drugs are categorized. The classification of drugs are known as schedules. The schedule...
3 possible defenses to an OWI charge
Operating while intoxicated (OWI) is the charge you will face if the police arrest you on suspicion of drunk driving. If you test over 0.08% for blood alcohol content on the police breathalyzer then the charge will be automatic. The officers could still charge you...
How ignition interlock device laws work in Indiana
Understanding how ignition interlock device laws work in Indiana is helpful for drivers facing DUI charges. Ignition interlock devices are breath test devices installed in vehicles to prevent individuals from driving while intoxicated. These devices play a key role in...
How DUI license suspension for two years can affect your life
The consequences of a first-time DUI conviction can be severe. One of the most significant penalties is the potential suspension of your driver's license for two years. This outcome can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of your life, affecting your...
How oversharing could lead to a DUI charge
One habit some people have when they become anxious is talking a lot. What they say may not be related to what’s happening, but it isn’t often an issue in normal conversations. However, talking to the police can create a lot of anxiety for people, which can lead to...