If you have been drinking and you are deciding whether or not you should drive, you may be interested in ways to sober up quickly. Maybe you feel like you are slightly too impaired to get behind the wheel, but you do not want to wait for hours so that your blood...
3 possible defenses to an OWI charge
Operating while intoxicated (OWI) is the charge you will face if the police arrest you on suspicion of drunk driving. If you test over 0.08% for blood alcohol content on the police breathalyzer then the charge will be automatic. The officers could still charge you...
How DUI license suspension for two years can affect your life
The consequences of a first-time DUI conviction can be severe. One of the most significant penalties is the potential suspension of your driver's license for two years. This outcome can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of your life, affecting your...
How oversharing could lead to a DUI charge
One habit some people have when they become anxious is talking a lot. What they say may not be related to what’s happening, but it isn’t often an issue in normal conversations. However, talking to the police can create a lot of anxiety for people, which can lead to...
Circumventing ignition interlock court orders can lead to penalties
If a driver is convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) in Indiana, they’ll have to deal with several penalties simultaneously. For a first offense, a driver may serve up to 60 days in jail and pay as much as $500 in fines. A court may also suspend the...
Getting OWIs while you have another passenger leads to heavier penalties
When an officer pulls you over on an Indiana road for a traffic stop and finds out that your blood alcohol content (BAC) level is at least .08%, they can charge you with operating while intoxicated (OWI). Drunk driving is an offense in the state and comes with...
Can I refuse a field sobriety check?
Your response is very important if your traffic stop includes a request for a field sobriety test. It could determine your ability to drive at all. While you may feel able to drive unimpaired, an officer can request to test your faculties on the suspicion of driving...
Looking at underage drunk driving in Indiana
If you are under the age of 21 and you drive, or you are the parent of a teen driver, it is vital to understand how state laws handle underage drunk driving and take steps to avoid these charges. For teen drivers, the legal limit is much lower in comparison to the...
3 things to do after a DUI arrest
A DUI arrest can happen to anyone, and you may not have expected to get arrested for driving under the influence after a night out. The surprise of an arrest can leave you wondering what to do next, especially when you face serious penalties for DUI. In Indiana, and...
Know your rights in a traffic stop
When an officer pulls you over in traffic, you have certain rights under federal law. You also have legal recourse if law enforcement violates your civil rights. Review the actions you may take to exercise your legal rights in a traffic stop. Remaining silent Both you...